Konferencë Ndërkombëtare

The Institute for the Studies of Communist Crimes and Consequences in Albania, in cooperation with the Faculty of History by the University of Tirana and with the participation of the President of the Republic, organized the International Conference and a scientific rally on the 65th year of the massacre of the “Bomb” in the Soviet Embassy where 22 western-oriented intellectuals were arrested and fusilladed without trial. The conference was organized inside the Presidency with the participation of University members, intellectuals, politicians, foreign embassies representatives, and with the special participation of Dr. Anna Kaminsky ( Executive Director of the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in East Germany), guest of honor, invited by our Institute. The opening speech was held by the Executive Director Mr. Agron Tufa. Several speeches and commentary papers were held by Mr. Uran Butka, researcher, writer, author of the book The “Bomb” and the Soviet Embassy in Tirana, Mr. Gëzim Peshkepia, board member son of one of the martyrs of the massacre, Mrs. Enriketa Pandejlemoni Papa, Lecturer of the Faculty of Law and Mr. Rigels Lenja representing the students. Also, a short speech was held by H.E Hellmut Hoffman the German Ambassador and H.E Florian Raunig OSCE Ambassador. The closing speech was held by President H.E Bujar Nishani. The President also decorated the families of the victims with the “Knight Scanderbeg Order”. The Institute would like to thank all who attended, and special gratitude to Dr. Anna Kaminsky for her speech and Dr. Sabine Kuder for their support. The Institute will continue working every year with devotion so that the sacrifice of the Martyrs will not be forgotten.
73Z. Agron Tufa, Drejtori Ekzekutiv i ISKK

251Dr. Anna Kaminsky (Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Fondacionit Shtetëror Gjerman mbi trajtimin e periudhës së ish Diktaturës Komuniste)

83Ambasadori i OSBE Z. Florian Raunig

331Ambasadori i Republikës Federale Gjermane Z. Hellmut Hoffman

169Z. Uran Butka, Anëtar Bordi

92Z. Gëzim Peshkëpia, Anëtar Bordi

515Znj. Enriketa Pandelejmoni Papa, Pedagoge e Universitetit të Tiranës

420Z. Rigles Lenja, Student

1112Presidenti Z. Bujar Nishani i cili dekoroi me medaljen “Kalorës i Urdhrit të Skenderbeut” familjet e 22 intelektualëve te pushkatuar.